B-Boy Blues (2021)
13 June 2022
*Update* Before i start this review I want you to separate the director from the movie once you do that you will see the film for what it is.... an outstanding realistic portray of a gay couple.. I will admit the lead actors were the reason this movie drew me in but what kept me from just leaving the movie was the fact that these characters are genuine and you can tell they gave there heart out in this movie.

It's been 6 months since I made the original post and I'm back After reading the book If I can give the movie an 11 on here I would The movie brought so many of the key elements of the book into the film and I very much appreciate a director who actually knows what he's doing.. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book I advise you to watch the movie and then the book you will really appreciate the fact that even some dialog in the film are word for word what the author wrote in the book and that tell me the director actually sat down and really paid attention when reading the story

As for the very confused and I'm sure bitter people writing reviews about the DIRECTOR and not the actual MOVIE please so eat a snickers or something.... I need me a second movie! I'm definitely buying the book now!
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