Absolute Trash - You Have To Watch IT !
17 June 2022
Seriously, the film is garbage, both for the technical elements and the plot that's thinner then a mimes favorite wall.

Camera work is rough as heck, looking like it was shot on multiple different camcorders, sound is 'on camera' at best, and distorted often (yet, the dialog is still clearer to the ear then a Nolan film,...) and the lighting is tragically bad.

It looks like it was shot 'in the park down the road', rather then out on location,. The studio sets look to have been ripped out of the dumpster of other z grade films.

And the insert segments, show how bad CG Animation can be.

But all through it, you can tell the cast are having a laugh while making it, knowing full well it's a brimmed crapbowl of badness.

Watch it with pizza, popcorn, weed and a beer, disregard the crappiness and you'll have a laugh at it too.
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