(6/10) Woah, woah, woah, woah... wait there! So, you are telling me that...WHAT!
30 June 2022
Flash does what he always wanted to do - he changes an event from the past and that (unbeknownst to him) creates a huge ripple effect through time tragedizing the DC universe, more now than ever. Waking up with no powers in an alternate timeline, it is Barry Allen's responsibility to regain his powers and reverse his actions before the impeding doom ends the world.

Quite a good premise, if you ask me. The animation was also super neat, even under the incredible pace of the film; and that's where I care. I felt the pace was set to such that it didn't allow enough time to deal with the character mindsets, it was more like, this happened and this and this. Suck it up and continue watching the film.

Since we always know that Flash will eventually save the day (or won't he?), there isn't much to look forward to in this other than getting a perspective of 'What would have happened if' scenario, that is already spoiled a thousand times in the internet.

It is not a waste of time though. The movie is fun to watch, not so boring and feels like you are watching a regular episode of your favorite cartoon. So, hit it up if you are pissed with DC's live action filmverse. At least, here you will get a single cut with consistency.

Log: Watched on 29-06-22. Reviewed on 30-06-22. Source: Internet.
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