Super Cub (2021)
A pleasant break from suspense, thriller and action
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I own a moped. I've had it for nearly 4yrs, but haven't ridden it.

I have an injury and a friend who is paraliysed on his left side of his body so instead of riding the moped, I have been happy with just walking the short distance it takes to get to where I want in my local area and to necessities. One day when I can't walk due to the injury, I use a cane at the moment, I will start riding the moped, afterall I bought it for the future.

Now, thats out of the way, lets talk about this very visually enriching and emotional rewarding anime series.

Every few adventure/action based anime viewing, and I watch alot to break the monotony of digital art and creativity, to watch a series thats just a bit more about human interaction than action itself.

Nothing wrong with all that action based shows offer, since I am a comic book writer/creator. But, every so often it's good to touch base with a different genre like "slice of life" that fills that space in our hearts that isn't about tradegy or trauma.

Super Cub has a beauty of it's own. There were times where I thought that the writer should have made a different choice in an episode, there was only the one -episode 8, with Koguma not calling for help finding Shii right away, even after arriving at the scene.

Then, I realised that Tone Koken, the writer of initial Light Novel, was trying to show us that, possibly in my opinion, Koguma has an emotional disconnect when it comes to seeking help, figuring out that she can rely upon others. And then there is what I think is her ADHD elements/ideations due to being an orphan and having to rely on no one but herself.

This also comes in factor when all she can think of the motorbike as person and not an object, which really disconnects her from seeing the various needs of those around her. Especially Shii, who is craving friendship and a human connection with a peer as a friend.

I could see that all Shii wanted was for Koguma to say, "hey, how about you get a Super Cub too?" "You can save all that energy and time traveling on your pefal bike by just purchasing a moped." But, she doesn't cause she has that disconnect. Which is a reward in itself as a character arc for both the characters and even, Reiko doesn't butt in and say, "Shii, have you thought about getting a moped?" Though, it feels like a nuisance that they don't arrive at Shii getting her own moped for a while, it is important to note that early on, Koguma does tell Shii to make sure that she is confident about want to get on one. She is actaully talking about it as a horse. Something living, which for someone with Shii's own characteristics makes her retreat into herself, cause someone she looks up to dismisses and dissuades from making a change in her life, even though it was just a short interaction.

Back to the earlier personal notes, I have come to realise at a mid point of my life (49), that I have to be carefull how I speak to younger folk around me, cause I run my own pop culture convention, which has a aim to promote art and literature at it's core, that you can either discourage or help by providing a positive encouragement towards getting some who may have the tiniest inkling of interest in what I do.

I base that on my own life and those who have said negative or positivie things. It doesn't take much to change oneself to be a positive influence without pushing one's own ideals onto others.

Encouragement and resources provided can have a lifetime of good in young one's life.
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