The Sopranos: Live Free or Die (2006)
Season 6, Episode 6
Rosalie's reaction when Meadow drops the Vito bomb is her most priceless moment in the whole show
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Paulie yells, "WHAAAT" at the table, after Fin says it was the other way around, that's one of my favorite moments from him. I've rewound that so many times over the years. Always interpreted meadow telling Carmela (and ultimately Tony) about Finn and Vito to be kind of a way to get revenge for Finn ( and maybe even Jackie Jr in some way). I know it sounds far fetch, but meadow had to have known about what the mob would do to Vito when they found out. Meadow signed Vito's death warrant with her conversation with Ro and Carmela. Gotta hand it to Vito's wife she stood by her man even with Phil telling her about his years in the can. I've said it once, I'll say it again. One of the greatest ever recorded on film. It's interesting that Vito is the one who killed Jackie Jr. Back in season 3 and then it is Meadow who confirms Vito's bad thing, effectively marking him for death. It's almost like a revenge for killing her ex she didn't even know she was getting. Tony's opinion about Vito might be tied to his attempt at "redemption". And so Vito's exploits in his off-time might not be a big deal to him... at this point. But "regular" Tony would have him killed immediately.
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