Design 2084 (1983)
In a word...strange.
22 July 2022
In a post-apocalyptic future, what's left of mankind lives underground in a networking of small cubicle apartments. Life's a stagnant repetition of browsing the TV home shopping channel, and having sex with manufactured clones. Everyone is employed by a fascist overlord who keeps the citizens intellectually and creatively dumbed-down with booze, pills, and televised news reports which are anything but honest. Those who grow too curious about life as it once was on Earth are quickly "promoted", and disappear. The surprise resolve in the final moments is pretty clever, and will likely catch viewers off-guard.

DESIGN 2084 is a peculiar little bupkis-budget sci-fi obscurity, about which very little is presently known. It exists today solely in the form of a VHS rough-cut which managed to fall into the hands of a curious cinephile, who has since archived it online. The story is poorly developed, performances by the no-name players are all over the board, and there's a mere scintilla of intriguing visuals(the very 80s Omni magazine style hi-tech futurism is hilariously dated...dig that Buick-size TV remote!). That it's scored with oddly inapposite jazzy saxophone music only serves to enhance its supremely WTF appeal.

Nobody would call this a critically good movie, but it's such a uniquely quizzical little three-dollar-bill that it generally amuses in a specious, abstract sort of way. The story bears vague similitude with A BOY AND HIS DOG(1975), and the little-seen SIX-HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX(1972), yet it's really nothing like either of those films. Hopefully, this mystery movie's backstory will one day be told, as it's probably more interesting than the film itself.

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