Good Luck Charlie, Your Movie Is a Mediocre
23 July 2022
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas is just a kind of film that feels more of a special than a legitimate movie. Even the kind that would contain two plot lines in one movie that it doesn't get what it mostly wants to be. Is it about Teddy going to Florida? Is it about Teddy and Amy's road trip to Palm Springs? Is it a goofy comedy of Bob dealing with Amy's parents? All those have convinced I would oftenly look at this as one of those one-hour specials than a movie. That and the comedy is a hit and miss, the editing is limited and doesn't stand out from the show, the characters are either jerks or overly goofy, and the third act with the Grandparents element was unnecessary. But at least it's not the worst movie Disney Channel has produced since it's part of the continuation of the series. I'll just say that if you're a huge fan of the show, this would be for you. If not, then it's best to stick with the show. As a Disney Channel sitcoms nowadays go, at least I'd take Good Luck Charlie over others like Jessie, Dog With a Blog, I Didn't Do It, and other Disney sitcoms that suck nowadays. But hey, at least they weren't made into movies for the sake of making it worse for these shows.
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