Review of Tarnished

Tarnished (1950)
A war hero comes home to a worse battlefield at home
22 August 2022
This is a minor B-feature but of great psychological interest. The war hero knows he is coming home to a nest of wasps, since he made a bad reputation before the war, especially since his father was stamped as a criminal. On coming home he is immediately beset by two girls, both of which are already occupied by base characters, who will do everything in their power to make life bitter for him. The rumour is spread that he is a jailbird, he can't get any job because of local prejudice, and when he finally gets a job his rivals mess it up for him, committing crimes to make it appear he is to blame. His two girls stand by him, though, and when he wants to marry one of them, her father does everything to destroy their relationship. That's the set-up. The interesting thing is to see how he will deal with his adversaries, he gets into fights with them that only make matters worse, but his worst enemy is the local prejudice against him, which dominates the entire town, a small coastal town in Maine. Ultimately the plots take a very dramatic turn, but his sweetheart stands by him all the way. It's the underdog's story, and as such it is very educational. Although a minor B-film, anyone could learn something from it.
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