Review of Apollo Zero

Apollo Zero (2009)
Fake it till you make it
30 August 2022
As more people learn to think for themselves, it makes sense why NASA would fake the moon landings. Rather than send three men to their deaths in space for the world to see, which would have been disastrous for them, it was better for them to fake it. After all, NASA had invested too much, did not want it to be all for nothing, and needed a reason to continue procuring funding and public support of their programs.

Plus, they knew that the American people needed something to be proud of amidst the turmoil of the time with the Vietnam War, civil unrest, race riots, multiple assassinations of beloved leaders (President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr.) and the Cold War.

The great philosopher Socrates in Plato's The Republic said that the state must concoct fables and myths because people need them as inspiration to boost morale. So that's what our elites do. And it works in that most people are convinced. We must wake up as a nation and be ready to embrace the truth rather than lies. Otherwise, we will never be truly free.

Almost as soon as the moon landing was announced, narratives concerning the hoax made their way into popular culture. 'Diamonds Are Forever', released just two years after the moon landing, featured a sly joke which depicted Bond stealing a moon buggy from a secret moon set. What really fired up the conspiracy theories concerning the moon landing was Peter Hyams' 1978 thriller, 'Capricorn One'. Others followed: 'Was It Only a Paper Moon?' (1997), 'Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?' (2001 TV Movie), 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon' (2001), 'Astronauts Gone Wild: An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings' (2004), 'Apollo Zero' (2009), 'American Moon' (2017).
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