The Walking Dead: Say the Word (2012)
Season 3, Episode 5
TWD S3E5. Fine episode, nothing amazing but nothing bad.
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Woodsbury scenes are quite interesting, the dynamic is getting more interesting between that and the prison, the Governor is more intriguing and complex as it progresses, and Michonne is becoming more aggressive but this isn't unnecessary as quite a few things point to this little quiet "town" being a bit strange and not quite what it seems. The character of Michonne is good, she knows there's something going on. Andrea is as naive and inane as ever. What's great about this episode is its genuine humane moments. The baby, how they're doing whatever they can in this world run by zombies, all to ensure that it stays healthy and alive. To be honest Rick seems to be the one caring least of all, which makes sense cuz of his wife's death, he is startled, uneasy, and suffering major emotional and mental breakdowns and isn't himself. It's traumatic, real. The others are all sitting smiling trying to come up with names for the baby while Rick is off on a one man hunt to tear through every walker in sight. He even launches at Glenn, and rag dolls him about like a string cheese.

The episode is pretty solid, not anything remarkably standout like its predecessor, but interesting and finely paced nonetheless. It is a bit of a bricklaying episode. Setting up some things. Even in its half way point I get the sense something, some sort of conflict or problem will arise between Michonne and The Governor. Andrea doesn't see it. Michonne sees it all too well. I never once liked nor cared for Andrea's character.

It's strange. You don't realise it but most of the originals, main and co characters, are already gone by this point. T-Dog, Shane, Lori, Dale, Jacqui, and a few others I simply can't think of their names right now (my bad). But this is not necessarily a bad thing, mostly because a few of the show's best are still alive, and some haven't even appeared yet. Those I like most are all still alive at this moment, excluding Shane: Daryl, Rick, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, and Carol. Though, I didn't much care for Carol at all in seasons 1+2. But from this one onwards, I do. And now there's Michonne and Governor, I like those two, and Merle, too. At this point it's a strong season, the majority of what's been going on has been interesting, with a good balance of character drama and zombie brutality. It's been dark, vicious, weird, familiar and new, and there's a lot still to come. It's a good episode overall, and the moments with the Governor and his people I'd say they're pretty much the standout in this one. There's some slick walker kills in this one, too.
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