Cobra (2022)
Cobra is not one, but two different movies; both mid
31 August 2022
Fresh out of Ajay Gnanamuthu's Cobra, and it honestly feels like I watched 2 entirely different movies pre and post interval. We start off with a somewhat underworld assassin crime thriller of sorts, which while over the top at moments, had its fair share of enjoyable bites. And then with the interval, we have what feels like an entirely new movie; one that feels like every other wannabe-posh Tamil action movie, where some characters already established in the first half start acting nothing like it in the second, and some more being entirely sidelined making us wonder why they were even included in the first place.

I wouldn't say Cobra is a bad movie, nor that its not enjoyable, but it's not groundbreaking in any way. It just gets ridiculously over the top with every passing minute, building up to a mind numbingly lazy and disappointing climax. Technically too this movie has a lot of weaknesses. The music is very easily forgettable, which sad given how such a statement could even be said about an ARR composed soundtrack. The VFX was painfully apparent in some scene. The makeup got somewhat cheesy, never leaving the uncanny valley; where you know you're not looking at an actual human face, but a heavily pasted prosthetic. And even certain shot selections seemed questionable.

Being as critical as I am about this movie is only because I engaged with it enough to care about its own internal consistencies. It's certainly not a movie you'll ever regret watching in a theatre, but it's not one you'll miss out on if you don't either.
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