I Am De Groot.
4 September 2022
What the hell happened to the Love and Marriage theme song? This one has completely different opening music that just sounds wrong. That's not the only change that has occurred come season three: Bud is now sporting a wicked mullet!

In this first episode of the new season, Al discovers a library book that is thirty years overdue and reluctantly agrees to return it. Librarian De Groot (Lu Leonard), who remembers Al from when he was young, delights in informing him that he now owes $2163 in fines. Rather than pay, Al sneaks the book back onto the shelf and claims that he returned it years ago. Unfortunately, he is caught in the act on a surveillance camera and the footage makes the local news.

He Thought He Could is a well written, frequently funny episode that once again sees Al representing all people for whom life has consistently thrown obstacles in the way of success. De Groot considers Al a failure, but Al says that he is a winner just for surviving, thus bringing a surprising level of poignancy to the silliness.
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