Reviewing it oddly
5 September 2022
I'm writing this review after scanning the negative reviews, here; those with ratings of "1".

And... you can see where those reviewers are coming from. More precisely, they range from folks who obviously don't expect much from flicks, to more discerning types who nonetheless weren't able to discern something redeemable in TBL.

So... I guess I got my work cut out for me. What redeems the act of watching TBL?

To me, it's about a time. It captures a time and collective head-space. And it does that so very, very well that the flick deserves to be put in a time capsule so future generation will understand that prior head-space better.

But... even better than that is how it seems to hint that the head-space has a univerality to it. The attitudes and lifestyles it depicts aren't strictly "dated". And perhaps that's the final beauty of the flick; what we expect from any/all narrative arts: On one hand, the characters are rooted in their milieu, but on the other, they reflect something universal.

And... I think I just did my job. I explain why I give it a "10" rating, and also avoid spoiling it.
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