God's Country (II) (2022)
Excellent performance by Thandiwe Newton
14 September 2022
IN A NUTSHELL: When a college professor confronts two hunters she catches trespassing on her property, she's drawn into an escalating battle of wills with catastrophic consequences.

The dramatic film was directed by Julian Higgins. She and Shaye Ogbonna wrote the story.

Based on a short story by acclaimed author James Lee Burke, God's Country is a character-driven thriller set in the snowy wilderness of the American West. Thandiwe Newton plays Sandra Guidry, a Black professor living and working in a rural college town. She's also grieving her recently-deceased mother, for whom she'd served as the primary caretaker. On the day of the burial, Sandra discovers a mysterious red truck parked in her driveway. She soon learns it belongs to a pair of local hunters seeking to enter the forest behind her house. Sandra turns them away politely but firmly - her experience tells her these are not the sort of men to welcome freely into her world. But they won't take no for an answer, and soon Sandra finds herself drawn into an escalating battle of wills that puts her most deeply-held values to the test.

The film has already received the Founder's Prize at the Traverse City Film Festival.

THINGS I LIKED: The movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival to enthusiastic audiences.

Thandiwe Newton gives an excellent performance. Her subtle facial expressions and body twitches are powerful and insightful.

Other cast members include Kai Lennox, Jeremy Bobb, Joris Jarsky, Jefferson White, and Tanaya Beatty.

You could definitely call this movie a slow burn. That phrase is usually used as a negative description but in the case of this movie, it's a compliment. There are some incredible shots that allow you to linger in the moment such as when you see a small drop of water fall from a shoe that has been out in the snow or when the protagonist takes in the wonder of seeing a mother deer and her fawn in the middle of her mountain property.

I love movie titles that have multiple meanings. The location of the film invites us to see some beautiful landscapes out in the winter mountains, surely "God's country". Faith in God is one of the themes of the story that lends itself to another interpretation of the title. We also see title cards that divide the scenes into six days of the battle of wills. On the seventh day, there is rest.

Beautiful cinematography by Andrew Wheeler.

The sound production was noticeably good, as well as the music.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: Some viewers may be frustrated by the lack of resolution in the end. I think the director never intended to give us answers, but to provide fodder for conversations about the society we've created around us.

One of the problems with this kind of movie is that audiences might be led to believe that violence is okay and justified if someone is a jerk.

With all of the nuances provided to other characters, it seemed that the "bad guys" were super cliched and one-dimensional.

Thandiwe Newton's character seems delicate and easily frightened in the beginning, so the reveal of her backstory didn't seem believable.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: Kids will be bored waiting for something to "happen". So will some adults.

Some profanity, including F-bombs We see a bloody, dead bird Adult bullying Threatening behavior Hunters kill deer and a dog Gun use Arson

THEMES: Respect for others and their property Prejudice Racism and diversity Sexism Obsession Feeling safe Police protection Hurricane Katrina Grief "Identity politics" Revenge Fairness Taking action on injustices Broken systems Vulnerability

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