Primal: Echoes of Eternity (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
What?! That ending was so jarring, what happened?
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I talk about the episode in the order of the events, but I have to talk about the end of this episode first because I'm not even sure what I just saw.

So spear is on the verge of death and was burnt to a crisp, and Mira randomly decides to start having sex with him?! I mean what was that. This scene made me extremely uncomfortable for 2 reasons. 1. Spear couldn't consent because he was on the verge of death! And 2. Out of all the possible times, why would Mira choose to have sex with spear when he was burnt alive! Okay, sure, you could make the argument that Mira did it cause it was her only opportunity since Spear was about to die, but this still felt super awkward and weird.

Then all of a sudden it randomly cuts to a flash forward, and it shows Mira, spear's daughter, fang and her two kids who are now grown up. Then the episode ends. This was honestly so off-putting that I honestly can't believe it's real. Even at this show's worst, I could always believe that what I was seeing was made intentionally. But this? The last 5 minutes look like they were written in 2 minutes on a first draft! And what makes it even worse is that it was the series finale! I genuinely think the writers gave up.

Now, on to the rest of the episode. The beginning is good... but it's all downhill from there. I liked seeing spear become the leader of his tribe after he defended them against some tigers. It shows that violence was always a part of his life even when he was a little kid. Mira's flashback was fine too. We finally see how she become a slave and how she was separated from her loved ones.

The rest of the episode wasn't terrible, just really boring. The main cast finds Mira's village and she reunites with her friends. All the villagers are scared of fang so she is unable to get along with them. This part just doesn't seem believable to me. The villagers are just gonna let fang and her kids sleep in their home? And don't say, "but Mira told the villagers she was friendly!" Okay? That doesn't mean the villagers should believe her and be okay with letting a t-Rex roam around their village!

This episode had some painfully bad comedy, too. There's a scene sometime at the beginning where fang repeatedly stops her kid from going into the water, and it's just soooo overly dragged out and tedious. There's also a scene later on where spear invites fang to sleep in his house so she breaks through the door. I'm not sure if this was trying to be funny, but I'm kinda mad that none of the villagers cared that, and lemme restate it, a t-Rex, broke one of their structures.

Now let's get to arguably the worst part of the episode. The fight scene. So spear and fang face off against the Viking dude who was turned into a flame monster (still one of the worst scenes in the show. Colossaeus part 1 aired 3 weeks ago and I'm still not over that part). The flame monster sets both of them on fire! And yet they still are able to fight him. Spear, who again, is on fire, tackles the flame monster off a cliff. So not only does spear survive getting set on fire by a creature from hell, but he survives falling off a cliff too! This is so dumb, how can anyone take this show seriously. After both of them fall off a cliff, the flame monster is dragged back to hell. Why? Who knows! None of this makes any sense. Why did satan hire someone to kill spear and fang, and then once they're almost dead, decide to drag that person back? Did he change his mind? Was it even satan who dragged him back down? We'll never know the answers to any of the questions and we're expected to roll with it. The fact that satan wanted two mortals dead so badly doesn't even make sense in the first place, so this whole plot line was contrived from the beginning.

Then, literally 90 seconds in the runtime after spear was burnt alive, Mira is having sex with him. And this exactly? Didn't the guy just get set on fire! And somehow he's in a peeeerfectly healthy condition to be procreating. I swear, none of this episode makes any sense, I can't believe professional writers wrote this and thought it was okay. Although (spoilers for attack on Titan) armin surviving getting burnt to a crisp was a little silly, at least his survival made sense because of the Titan syringe. This on the other hand, was absolutely not plausible. Or any of this episode. Or any of this show. Sorry for this rant, I'm just so angry. I pray to god the rumors are true that this was the series finale, cause I've had enough of this show. 1/10, probably the worst way genndy could've ended the show. Goodbye, primal. I won't miss you.
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