An all-round successful film.
21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pleasantly surprised at how good this film is. I didn't really feel like it at first, because now everything is computer-animated and I really miss hand drawn animation. But this is where the film makes the best of it. He looks great. The story is fitting, it's also a movie that deals with the strengths and weaknesses of the Asterix universe. And sometimes uses his entire staff.

I like the subplot with the Romans and the slaves, also this small Roman family that wants to move in there and so on and that not all Romans are portrayed as nasty villains, but as real people, a couple of them have absolutely no idea about the war and just want to live their lives. The slaves are presented as real people and in the end decide to continue working there if they are paid decently and get real food for people et cetera it's so awesome someone really sat down and thought about how we can do it in such a multifaceted way make possible? And he did everything right.

Even little details like that Asterix's feathers on his helmet are translucent and they still move so hilariously like they're all cartoon characters. And that's despite the fact that a lot is at stake in this film isn't so exaggerated So, there are no global threats, it's still just this little Gallic village.

And here's a film that really cleans up its story. Here the status quo is thrown around and broken up at the beginning of the film. And that takes quite a bit of work and all the rest of the film time until the status quo is (almost) restored.
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