God's Country (II) (2022)
Liberal Hogwash -- and this from a Liberal!
22 September 2022
Of course, the acting is on-point, but otherwise there's no movie here. Just an episodic showcase of Newton's stoic, one-dimensional character making one bad decision after another. A liberal message movie that says so little -- and I too am a liberal! This film underscores the intersectionality of stupidity, self-righteousness, dismissiveness of any value that isn't considered progressive, of and throw in some ennui for good measure too. To think I had high hopes enough to go out of my way to see this heavy-handed piece of misguided propaganda. Just leave the men alone and let 'em park on your outer-property; they ain't bothering nobody! Oh, but then, there would, literally, be no premise for this silly film. Be a good, kind, considerate neighbor--that would've nipped all the film's conflicts in the bud. But no, she needed a cause. And ruins her life and others' in the process. I was so bored--and I'd snuck in alcohol into the theater. Apparently not enough!
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