The Longest Night (1972 TV Movie)
Bites Dirty Harry
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out with a frantic narration that practically begs the viewer to believe that this really happened.

So, home invasions weren't a product of the 80's as led to believe as a shotgun wielding policeman, and a ninja, bust into a mother/daughter's residence where they automatically list a chain of commands for them to obey.

It's obviously an inside job as they're on a first name basis with captee Karen, but have no time for Mrs. Chambers, the mother, who's in the way of their smooth operation.

With no resistance shown, Karen's abducted and confused about the whole ordeal, while her mother is knocked out by the ninja with ACME sleeping potion.

Not complying now, Karen's inoculated with "happy juice," which doesn't have much of an effect on her, as she continues to test the baddies patience with curious annoying questions.

Placed in a ditch, a photo's taken of Karen with a crude man-made placard which reads kidnapped. She's made to repeat this stage of the abduction as she closed her eyes and also failed to smile the first time.

Trapped against her will, and stripped of all liberties, poor Karen's buried underground in a coffin-sized box which comes with basic light and ventilation shaft and minimal resources for a week's survival.

Sound familiar? Yeah, we're right back where Sandra Bullock and Kiefer Sutherland found themselves buried alive in that 90's movie 'The Vanishing.' If you're claustrophobic, this movie will suffocate you.

What does poor Karen do if she has to relieve herself?

A ransom demand for Karen comes to a grand total of half a million dollars and they want it all in twenty-dollar bills.

'Dirty Harry' was released in '71. 'The Longest Hour' was released a year later in 1972. There's similar music in this that reminds me of 'Dirty Harry.' Remember that scene when the girl's pulled from the drain by The Bay? There's similar music here in 'The Longest Night.'

There's also a similar scenario which sees the baddy using a payphone to give directions and runs everyone around from place to place to deliver the ransom.

Our bagman, the father, who's pushing 70 years of age, drops the half a million dollars off with ease but I think five-hundred thousand dollars, all in twenty-dollar bills, would take the strength of Hercules to lug around and I doubt it would all fit in that suitcase?

Everything runs smoothly until two beat cops come along and bungle the drop-off operation which compromises poor Karen's life. The night's a bust.

But a priest persuades the baddy to give it a second try. The dice is rolled again and the second operation runs smoothly, due to religious intervention, and the 55 pounds of twenty-dollar notes swap hands successfully this time.

Meanwhile, the lights run dim in Karen's burial chamber, but keeping his word, the baddy gives correct coordinates for its location as he's a man of his word, and the police go in search of her. Talk about a needle in a haystack.

Escaping in his 'Miami Vice' power boat, minus his ninja partner in crime, the baddy lets greed get the better of him and he takes off solo and heads South.

The 'Miami Vice' power speeder is the baddies undoing as he pays twelve-thousand dollars for it upfront, all in twenty-dollar notes, which makes the salesman suspicious, so he tips the Feds off and they come sniffing around.

At last, the FBI are on the trail of their man. It soon becomes a foot race and the baddy is apprehended like how the Night Stalker was. But, not with the public acting like a lynch mob.

From hell, and up into the light, Karen resurfaces to safety in the company of law officers, unlike Diane in 'The Vanishing,' or the unknown girl in 'Dirty Harry.' She's in pretty good health, and spirits, but probably needs to take a shower ASAP?

'The Longest Night' is a mature watch for sensible people. It's refreshing and doesn't rely on today's phony CGI imagery, or green screen-laced fakery. Wish more modern-day entertainment would take it back to simpler times and not rely on computers so much.
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