Tyson's Run (2022)
I want my 1.75 hours back!
16 October 2022
My incredulity for how bad this movie is can only be matched by my incredulity that people actually like it.

The writing is positively lazy. It's the kind of plot a 5th grader would write. The acting is slightly better at 'high school play' level.

This is NOT a true story. At all. Not even close. Not even an element here and there. Some cursory research shows that this movie was 'inspired' by something said to the writer/director by a kid in his son's school. A non-autistic child, mind you:

'I know I'm fast, but all the other boys are super fast. So I don't want to run anymore.'

And from that sentence....and only that sentence....this insult to film was born.

In real life, there is no underage autistic marathoner with a reluctant father. No jackass mayor. No school bullies. No high school sweetheart. And certainly no miraculous marathon win.

But the writer director couldn't stop at making up the mundane. Aside from many, many things that are impossible, let's look at that marathon performance. He didn't just win the marathon. He ran down elite marathoners from a mile behind with 6 miles to go. Some quick math shows that he would have to run faster than any human has ever run a 6 mile race....after already running 20 miles....in order to accomplish that feat.

Please stop saying this is a true story, or based on a true story, or even inspired by a true story. This film is garbage. This film is an insult to the viewers intelligence. If you find this to be a 'true inspiring story', then you should watch Star Wars and be inspired to be a Jedi master that can move things with your mind. Both films are equally true.
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