Review of Dead Ringers

Dead Ringers (1988)
Less Would Have Been More. Much Less.
22 October 2022
In Cronenberg's 'Dead Ringers' Jeremy Irons plays identical twin gynecologists. And though it is impossible to tell them apart physically they are, in fact quite different. In a complementary way. One is a womanizer, the other too shy. One does the research, the other is the fund seeker, the face of the practice. And while this can be beneficial in some ways, it is also limiting. Neither man can reach his own potential due to his reliance on the other. And as the film progresses we come to understand that there might be only one solution.

Everyone is aware of the twins' existence. Everyone but their patient played by Jacqueline Bujold. She sleeps with both (uh oh) only later learning that she was fooled. Though she is angered by this, the sex was good, and the lady wants nothing more than that. Oh, except for a baby, which is why she visited the twins in the first place. And if this ain't enough for you she falls in love with the 'shy' brother, detests the other, and in this imperils their relationship.

Not bad, right? I agree. The problem however is length. The film's. Too much, by far. Too many scenes that repeat points already made, that add nothing to the forward movement of the film. Add to this that the film moves back and forth between the surreal and the true to life; so much so that we believe we are, at times, in a dream (blood red operating room scrubs) but, we are not. The film has a Gothic look and feel which is fitting to the story. But anything can be overdone. And in 'Dead Ringers' that aspect definitely is.

Jeremy Irons is great. As is Ms. Bujold (adorable and sexual and who could ask for more?). But the film's pace made me impatient. Very. I could not wait for its Final scene. Which, by the way, is almost worth the wait.
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