Ridiculous emotions
25 October 2022
Have been doing a lot of rewatching over-time of the three big shows in the 'Law and Order' franchise, especially of the most regularly aired 'Special Victims Unit' (the longest running and the only one still running, though it has not been the same for a while). "Heightened Emotions" did nothing for me on first watch and did nothing to change my mind when it comes to disliking Rollins' family drama and the character of Kim, which has been the case in all the times they feature.

My negative first viewing opinion of "Heightened Emotions" hasn't changed at all on rewatch. Like the previous two episodes "Making a Rapist" and "Imposter", all the flaws noticed on first watch are even more problematic now (including everything with Rollins) and more issues were found on the way as well. It is a case of one guest performance being better than the episode itself, and it is a performance that deserved a much better episode.

That performance being the powerful one of Brit Morgan that wrenches the gut. The regulars do well with what they have, Raul Esparza always delivers and Kelli Giddish has come on a long way.

It is a solid episode visually, and the intimacy of the photography doesn't get static or too filmed play-like. The music when used is not too over-emphatic and has a melancholic edge that is quite haunting.

On the other hand, "Heightened Emotions" fails more than it succeeds. It is sunk by the whole Rollins story, which features far too heavily and has all the problems whenever her family life features. Which includes overwrought soap opera dialogue, very melodramatic and dragged out storytelling, Rollins' excessive naivety and of course the incredibly annoying Kim who also is overacted. Not to mention that it ties in with the case too conveniently while also feeling like filler.

When it comes to the rest of the story that also fails. The case itself is far too thin and is also ridiculous, certainly not strong enough to be prosecutable. Found it also too predictable and sleazy and the victim very unsympathetic. The dialogue is over heated and lacking in tautness and the pace feels dull and over-stretched. Not to mention the unrealistically over the top controlled meet scene, which was far from controlled and beyond silly.

Concluding, weak. 3/10.
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