What happens when you expand the sentence "BUY NETFLIX" to an hour
1 November 2022
I was one of the very few people who thought Jimmy Fallon wasn't really that bad on SNL. He could be funny when the material was right. In his talk show, he's funny *only* when he breaks out of script and goes with the flow of the conversation, which happens rarely. When he sticks to the questions and talking points on his cards, you're in for the same dull snorefest mediocrity that passes for a talk show nowadays.

I realize that the days of Johnny Carson, or even David Letterman, are gone. This is a different era. I also realize that American talk shows are different from the others, e.g. British talk shows, where the guests are the real stars, and the hosts only guide them and try to bring out the best in them. No, in American talk shows, the hosts are the stars (remember Ellen, anyone?) and the guests are only seen as a nuisance who steal from their airtime.

I say talk show, and there is indeed a lot of talk (about nothing, mostly) but what annoys me is how superficial it all comes off. An actor comes on, for instance, someone you like, to talk about his latest movie. But after 10 minutes of chit chat, you never get any insights about the actor, or his movie, or anything at all. It's just a lot of pointless nonsense. If these guests are coming on to promote their stuff, they should be aware that they're not promoting anything.

If you watch regularly for a few episodes, you notice quite a few patterns as well, and they're not good: A good many minutes every episode is "Thank you for coming here." "Thank you for having me." Thank you for thanking me." Thanks for saying that." etc.

Then you have the incredible amount of (not-so-)hidden product placement. Jimmy makes a joke about a brand of candy, let's say. For two weeks, sometimes for a month in a row, you'll hear jokes, songs, chat, stories, sometimes even memories that contain references to that particular candy.

It could still work, of course, if they showed a bit of effort to make the talks interesting. I mean, it's a "talk show" after all, at least that's what they call it. So perhaps it's pointless to expect much else, and settle for a few minutes of so-so entertainment. But one struggles to find even that. Jimmy comes off like a wide-eyed, rural 12-year old who is having his first trip to the city, and is surprised to hear the name of any celebrity: "Oh my God! You talked to Rihanna?!" "No way! You met Brad Pitt?! He's the most incredible human being, isn't he?!"

It's really inconceivable. They spend so much money on production, a great band, sets, staff, bring on stars and famous faces etc.... yet you don't remember anything about it 5 minutes after you watch the whole thing.

Final word, not just for Jimmy, but for all talk shows: please get rid of the games.
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