The Goop Lab (2020– )
The pseudoscience reviews.
23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched this series in full, I can say with a certain degree of confidence the boatload of 1-star reviews feel coordinated, with many likely written by the same person, using the same recycled arguments. With a web development background you get used to spotting this kind of thing. Let's be honest, there's a lot of money in people not being healed and staying in their expensive, chronic condition for life.

I must rate this 10-stars. If other reviews were good faith reviews, I would give it 7 out of 10. Slightly above average short-form, mostly natural health docu-series. While these subject matter are not new to me, I did find it interesting to watch the six 30-minute episodes. Many folks between the ages 20 and 50 could watch all six episodes of this (on Netflix) and come away having learned something new and perhaps having been challenged along the way. This series is for adults and not kids.

One line summary of the episodes:

1. Magic mushrooms. 2. Wim Hof: the ice-man. 3. Orgasm and the vulva. 4. Acupuncture and diet. 5. Reiki-like healing. 6. Mediumship and psychic functioning.

Someone who hates this series might say this of each episode:

1. = "Scary and dangerous." 2. = "Dangerous." 3. = "Ew, naked people." 4. = "This is woo; age is math." 5. = "This doesn't work. No, I have not tried it, but I just know." 6. = "Woo." - click!

My take:

1. Having attended several psychedelics retreats and being somewhat familiar with these experience, I was touched and I laughed. Do yourself a favour and don't judge something too harshly if you haven't experienced it. These are not party drugs. You're viewing a therapeutic process which I have both witnessed in others and experienced firsthand. Maybe not for everyone, so do what's best for you.

2. Safe in the right context and with an experienced instructor. Felt freezing watching this one.

3. This episode is more suited for female viewers, but I'm not a prude, and really, it was no big deal to watch. Americans who are afraid with seeing the naked human body, proceed with caution. It's 30 minutes. I learned some new things, as did the women in the episode: the part people call the vagina is the vulva; the vagina is the canal.

4. My least favourite episode. The focus on diet is good (even if my diet is carnivore, i.e. The opposite). Everyone knows less processed whole foods are beneficial. Some good advice given regrading staying active. I personally prefer not to number everything and say, "now that I eat this way it makes me equivalent to this kind of age." Life is too short for such paralysis by analysis. Besides, people age at different rates and for a range of complex and different reasons. To me, scoring people's health in this way is not the best way to approach life, or your health.

5. I have not experienced this kind of healing before, but I would be open to learning about it. It seems similar to Reiki healing, which I have experienced, and the participants seemed to get something out of it. Shouldn't that matter? Could this methodology be conclusively proven to an ardent sceptic? At this point in time, no. Does that mean "woo" is a justifiable dismissal of this stuff, and an excuse to turn off the series? I would say no, but I guess it depends on how fixed your beliefs are. You may be clever, but you don't know everything. There's a reason why yoga and other forms of practice involve the body. Your body is not merely there to carry your head around. Some have suggested your body is part of your conscious experience, and further, consciousness is the foundation of all reality. Some day society as a whole will understand more about consciousness and will have more answers to some of these deeper questions. Just because we don't understand something or cannot explain it succinctly doesn't mean it's not true. A friend I know and trust has performed distant healing on me (Reiki) and I've been able to accurately tell them what part of my body they were working on. This happened, and whether you believe it or not is completely irrelevant to that fact. Energy healing is a real thing. Discount it out of hand at your own expense.

6. I have some personal history in the area of psychic experiences having taken part in plant medicine retreats on multiple occasions. Such experiences are pretty common around that kind of thing, and sometimes can occur days or even weeks before attending. Some of these brews mess with your experience of time in a funny way... consciousness? Outside of these substances I have had other psychic experiences of significance. Can I prove my experiences were legit to you, the reader, and therefore prove psychic functioning? I cannot. I have never been to a medium and would be quite sceptical of them as there are many tricksters in this world. However, I would not be against the prospect of a legit medium given my personal experiences. I won't ruin the specifics of episodes six for you.

Don't judge this series based on good or bad reviews, especially when many of the reviews seem peculiarly similar. Watch it for yourself. The best episodes are one, two, five and six. Females may benefit from episode three.

"Rationalisation is a defence mechanism." - Prof. Vernon M. Neppe.
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