House of the Dragon (2022– )
Like watching kids play checkers when GoT was Grand Masters at Chess
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am currently on episode 3. This series is associated with 'Games of Throne' because the talentless money-grubbers demanded it. In contrast to most period fantasy dramas of this type - HoD is a very simple & childish tale that wears GoT like a cheap suit.

Also, there's a sub-theme revolving around women not having the same rights as men. Doesn't seem to fit the era and there's no nuance to it. In GoT, these issues were dealt with by having a woman prove herself (Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Arya Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Ygritte, Yara Greyjoy) - virtually all of them.

In House of Dragon, it's a privileged expectation that goes like this... If people don't like me in this male role (and I clearly haven't earned the right), I'll step into the role anyway because I'm special.

It's the typical writing you see from immature writers that are more interested in making a point than making that point through actual story-telling (like in GoT).

It's ugly, there's no nuance and no joy for the viewer. You are simply being preached to.


After 2+ episodes, it's mostly about an entitled teenage princess who wants to be Queen. That's it! No layers, no other mainline stories, no other characters.

There is dialogue centering around her soft-bellied Father (The Beta King), her uncle (the weird prince who is either a warrior, a drunk, a dummy or unhinged... portrayed as all four) but it's mostly about a privileged teenage girl. As such... there's an awful amount of pouting, no action and lots of complaining that life is not fair when she imagines she doesn't get her way.

The show is so badly written that nobody does anything worthy, including our heroine. She has done nothing to merit anything accept for mastering the art of pouting.

Frustratingly... the show is written in such a way that we're suppose to feel empathy for her - as this character is the only one that's being fully developed (in a cardboard way). All the others are just simple supporting caricatures.

If you are a teenage girl who wants to be a princess someday, fancies dragons and still believes in unicorns - this series is for you.

If you are the type that's easily impressed with gowns, ancient wardrobes, lots of long white/yellow hair, hairdos in general and castles... but no plot whatsoever: This series is for you too because an actual story is so mundane.

If you are like me - hoping that after 2+ episodes it will turn things around - we are probably wasting our time. I'm going to stick with this a little longer anyway because...

The princess just ran off on a horse. It was the crazy pouting that hinted something was wrong. She was upset that she's suppose to start seeing the world through adult eyes. All she wants to be is queen with no responsibilities. Why can't people understand this! Poor girl...

Oh... did I mention that she's being chased by a knight in shining armor? Her protector. I kid you not. The horror that is her life.

Ok... going back in. Unpausing episode 3 at the 18min, 29sec mark. Wish me ughh!


final update, 25nov2022: Made it thru 1/3 of episode 5. I'm done. The talentless, money grubbing hacks - like vultures - pecking away at the memory of GoT for easy cash. They win (again), we lose (again).
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