Review of 420

Family Guy: 420 (2009)
Season 7, Episode 12
Animal abuse isn't funny and the quality of the episode does not make up for the fact
26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The plot for this episode centres around Brian wanting to legalise weed, which in my opinion, is a topic that's been talked to death already. It isn't really interesting unless you're someone who's very passionate about smoking marijuana. Then towards the end of the episode, his issue with weed not being legalised is dropped and suddenly isn't an issue anymore, despite the fact that he spent most of the episode droning on about it. Some positives: the song was good and there were a couple of funny jokes. However, the bit with Peter killing Quagmire's cat was bad enough to bring down the quality of the whole episode. I think if it had been a dog, the reviews on this episode would be a lot less favourable. The problem with Family Guy, is that it tends to teeter on the line between funny or disgusting; and it's usually the latter. It's as if the writers think adding scenes with people committing shocking and/or awful acts automatically equates to comedy. It seems they missed the memo that offensive jokes need to be clever in order to be funny.
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