Under the Skin (I) (2013)
For Fun and Giggles, lets just...Whatevs Enjoy or Dont *shrugs *
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS or what have oyu, whom cares...heres my two cents about nothing at all.

Scarjo plays an extraterrestrial being which is tantamount to a humanoid black widow. I really hope there were jokes behind the scenes considering all the years ScarJo has played the eponymous MArvel character of the exact same name, but I might be giving the olks behind this film too much credit. * shrugs *

Scarjo is either an out of touch with reality alien, or more than likely "she" and the "men" on bikes are all drones being used to carry out a harvesting mission of us human beings. And how? By way of finding, stalking, and seducing and luring lone men to their literal dooms.

To a seemingly black room that appears in various places, or mayhaps there are more than one "processing facility", there must be some kind of spacial augmenting technology being used or my name isnt Captain Blah Blah Blah. The guys apparently get left to bloat up so their skin is easier to be opened like lobsters in a tank at a restaurant, waiting to have some hungry alien point and say "Ohhh, that one looks scrummy!".

And then all the bones and organs are mulched up and either refined into amino acid guac for the hungry little E. T.s somewhere in a galaxy far far away. And then the drones don the skin suits, blend in, and continue the process. There must be male drones doing the same thing that ScarJo is, but more than likely it wasnt as effective as an outwardly attractive female attempting to be just as unassumingly shady. And it really seems like the "Lady" especially is some kind of artificial being for so many reasons, but "she" eventually begins to take the time, enjoy the world and things in it, and somehow develop empathy...BAD A. I. lol Clearly the bikers dont like this and begin the follow her more closely, looking for defects or whatever to increase her "harvesting/profit margins" and then let her get back to work. They are honestly like pimps in the truest sense of the word in "The Skin Game". And underneath the skin, there are monsters.

Looks can be deceiving, and that seems to be the real other side of the coin for the meaning behind the films title. Not just what IS under there for the predator "lady", but also what they seem to be after in humans...Flesh, proteins, etc. We honestly seem to be like cattle to them, and though this is somewhat less...bracing at first than the stereotypical alien abduction, its still kinda telling that the offworld farmers went to Scotland of all places to "harvest the crop".

Are they trying to say things about the quality of Scottish men or people in general? Why not in Germany? Were the laws for picking up hitchikers less present North of England than elsewhere? Because apparently some of the men were REAL dudes that thoguht Scarjo was a real lost lady, picking them up. Talk about entrapment and getting poor average dudes' hopes up lol :P.

Yet still the drone alien she thing keeps harvesting, only stopping out of pity for a manchild with tumors all over his face. Pity, and remorse more than compassion, but maybe "she" was going to be dismantled or decommissioned after enough human matter was collected, and so she might have really found empathy with the pitiable man whom was also stuck in a confined life of solitude and hopelessness.

Do I feel bad for ScarJo after all the peoples she killed? Nope. There was even a time before her epiphany where she was about to prey on a nice lonely traveler, when suddenly he tried to help a couple drowning in the ocean. The couple tried to save a dog and left their INFANT baby on the rocky beach, then when the exhausted swimmer failed to keep at least the man ashore and alive, he collapsed. And Scarjo walked up, looked around, and brained him with a rock. Dragged him to the van to be mulched, and left...the little baby to starve and freeze to death. THen the biker came and cleaned up the clothes and remnants by the swimmer as was the way to clean up after every victim, and the biker ALSO left the baby. Didnt even have the decency to mulch the kid and put the poor child out of its misery or kill it. Nope, just " Oh poor baby animal. We shouldnt touch the human thing, let natur take its course" OR wtf? So what if its not just about the amino acids and proteins. What if these beings are trying to infiltrate Humanity, maybe even getting into the highest echelons of power. IF they are only so powerful that they have to go through such a farce to get human skin for new birthday suits, then perhaps the aliens are not powerful enough for a direct show of force. NO need to take over with tons of space ray guns blazing, just let a drone,likely one of many all over the world at the same time, give countless men blueballs only to make hot soup of their innards and wear their skin...to...climb the social political ladder?

ONE guess is as good as another tbh. This film was just...painful to watch at times. Interesting sometimes, but...ugh.

Eventually the "lady" gives up and wanders about aimlessly, maybe developing real emotions. Maybe they are not a total drone, bu part of a dying race attempting to reconnect to long lost emotions and "soul", living within our literal feet and shoes to try and feel something...ANYTHING perhaps. Maybe "they" are not consuming our dna and blood, but examining it to see why young humanoids have so much more in the earliest stages of development. Perhaps the aliens are trying to find the "fountain of youth" for their dying, old ass hyper ancient species.

So Scarjo wanders and finds a nice dude, but though he was ok for asking if she needed help and gave her a place to stay and food, he should have called the cops right away to let them know somebody was lost or needed help. People are lonely and desperate, not just men but women do all sorts of things too. Its no excuse, just simply cause and effect that leads people all sorts of reasoning and choices. But the dude should have done better.

He attempts to eventually make love to "the lady" when she offers to kiss the poor lonely sad sack, only for "her" to find out "shes" really not much of a "her" at all, looking down and finding no vagina for them to create "congress". And she gets deflated and wanders away. I couldnt tell if I was supposed to laugh or not, but I did. IT was bizarrely funny and the director knows it. The thing wanders nto the woods where an slightly overly friendly logger gives her directions, but when the creature bed downs somewhere, they awake to the same logger having followed them and begin trying to force themselves upon " her". Another bad choice by a dude, but honestly the only real bad one in the film out of all the guys Scarjo's alien drone character encountered. And the director must have shown us this because of the irony of the "alien lady" having the roles reveresed, going from predator and deceivier and killer, to being the victim. The "lady" was now experiencing everything those they preyed upon must have felt: Fear, isolation, loneliness, hopelessness.

Now the question arises... Are we, the viewers meant to feel bad for this murderous alien being? This film is not a metaphor, they are literally some other type of creature masquerading as as human to hunt and harvest humans. Doesnt make the attempted assault right, not at all. But I also dont feel for serial killers when they themselves get the same punishment they put their victims through. So perhaps the director meant for us to have a moral dilemma.

Its like how theres still viewable executions in some states. People walked in, after dressing nicely for the occasion, sit quietly and literally get to see somebody put to death like a bizarrely detached modern wild west execution. Should we feel for those that commit the worst crimes when they are about to be put to the axe? For all that woe they caused and the suffering they are about to go through, I say yes...all of that. The sick twisted game fate plays in this life of making some people men and some monsters ( and the same goes for women and nin binary folks too. Not everyone is a saint obviously).

And so after hampering the assaulters' efforts, ScarJo runs into the woods again, only to be caught and have their skin hoodie pulled apart at the seems to reveal a super dark, viscious coated skin with next to no hair except on the right shoulder ( from the skin suit or...I dunno). The jerky logger guy is taken aback, runs to his vehicle, comes back as "the lady" is examining their skin suit, the face of which is literally animated and staring back, blinking even into the soulless hollow eyes of the drone...and then the logger douses "her" with gasoline/petrol as they call it in the UK and lights them aflame.

THey wander and burn up, feeling so much, almost like a fitting end to this "murderess of men", yet still...we feel sadness.

The bijer is looking for the drone with others of the same likely skin donning type. And once again I wonde if this is all like Sucker Punch, and the woman really is an abused prostitute or somebody lost in the skin trade of human trafficking, and the biker dudes are the literal pimps and handlers. I have that thought for a moment, but then immediately remember that they were in fact non human, harvesting people, and the move literally begins with their eyes being formed , either artificially or from the skin of some woman they also entrapped and "harvested".

The movie ends with the smoldering remains of the once predatory and heartless creature turned into somehow empathetic "poor nice lady", and the biker is just looking for them I suppose. Staring off into the cold snowy distance...perhaps about to embark upon a similar emotional rollercoaster of change that these arguably faulty "drones" or robot or androids, or genetically engineered worker bees seem to go through too often. Theres much more than meets the eye going on...Under The Skin.

Still seems about aliens to me, so whatever. 5.5/10 See it yourself or dont. Meh :p.
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