Review of Echo 3

Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Slow, with lots of long lows and few highs
2 December 2022
My review is based in 4 episodes so far, being the first three what they called Part One, and the first episode of Part Two.

I will avoid a summary. I like Zero Dark Thirty, The Hurt Locker, Code Geronimo, Counterstrike, Green Zone, the new Jack Ryan tv show and the Final List among others, so I had to watch this one.

Initially it looked very well, with some definition of characters, including their relation and skills that prove how badass are the male characters. The female is supposed to be tough as well, as it is mentioned many times, but it is not shown. Also, the love that the couple has is reminded many times through flashbacks of sex scenes and closeups of smiles and eyes, but it is not really there, I didn't see any chemistry.

In general, the pace is super slow and feels like a movie that has been extended adding failed operations and lots of bureaucracy -politics are mentioned but they are not seen much. Action is not very well shot and feels confusing. Even the character of Luke Evans is described as a Rambo, but he doesn't do much apart from proving to be a good sniper that seems similarly prepared to the commandos Colombian army.

I think they want to transmit to the viewers realism through the frustration of bureaucratic decisions and the confusion of the combat, which is nothing similar to the Final List and similar products. No body combat, everything at distance and with few calculated shots. But then, they lose the realism because a lot of non-sense situations. For example, someone says that they cannot approach the kidnappers place because they would be quickly detected by people in the streets, and they go to the place holding guns in public; they meet an enemy and tell him to go away, who of course warns his colleagues; they arrive to the country and ask to be included in the operation and sure they are; a commando is asked to retire officially when they could have rescued the hostages and few minutes later they decide to come back unofficially; and I could continue with many more stupid situations, which are nicely salted with slow realistic pace.

Then you get some scenes of character frustration and emotional pain with closeups and forced camera shots of now and then, during which you pray to arrive to the next action scene, which will take some time to appear.

At least the characters uncover some more layers in episode 4, showing the flaws of the male characters and explaining the strong bond between the siblings, although it didn't require to wait 4 episodes. And to make it worst, the fourth show many more stupid situations related with the two male characters, but I will save the details to avoid spoilers.

Personally, I'm stepping out here. I wasted more than 4 hours of my life.
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