Let's Hear It For The Chubs!
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is it me or are there more streaming shows featuring leads that really aren't leads? I look at Nathan and all I kept thinking was: who cast this wimpy, unattractive, buck-toothed 'kid' to be the protagonist? His whiny voice, his petulance, his lousy acting, the pimply face and the horrible dialogue did him no favors.

His girlfriend Annalise wasn't much better. Who thought it was a good idea to cast a chubby girl to date a rail-thin guy who runs around the entire show in her camel-toe jeans? Blech.

And then there's Harry. Poor beautiful Harry with the awful dye job, Old Navy outfits, who can't handle commitment unless it's with a blood witch who is 10 years younger than him but whom he falls in love with anyways over the course of a day (?).

He's handsome, but then they had him take off his clothes and out popped his pot belly, scrawny arms, and flat chest. Do they not have gyms in France? No "cuts" leading to a Planet Fitness?

Seriously, if you want to save money by hiring unknowns to have groovy CGI effects, find a better balance. It took me days to power through this dystopian story that just got worse and worse. Even I figured out that Saul was the Wolf and his chubby daughter would be the one to kill him.

Nathan a murderous killer? He can't even get out of his own way. And then all belief was buggered when Harry and Nathan kiss. Why? Who knows. Made no sense. Nathan could've pushed him into the cut at any time without using a kiss as a pretense. Such woke garbage. Just couldn't leave well enough alone. Worse, I saw that scene coming shortly after they introduced Harry.

My favorite: Harry the potion master doesn't have a potion or talisman that protects him from getting his memory wiped despite him wiping the memory of everyone he sleeps with. You'd think that be the first thing he would make: an antidote. But no matter! That kiss was so strong it allowed him to burn through the memory potion the evil witch Mercury blew on him.

The entire big final scene at Wolfhagen was so confusing I had no idea who was killing who or why. I think I yawned. So much potential wasted on subpar actors. I give it 3 stars for the CGI effects and for Saul's acting (he was really good as he slowly turned into the murderous Wolf). Everything else was a miss.
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