Shallow knock off with unlikeable characters, but good animation
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
4 / 10 for me.

If you want something like this, but good, watch Vox Machina series. It has Mathew Mercer too, but he's actually enjoying himself there.

This series feels a bit like a soulless copy paste of much better shows crammed into 6 episodes when it needed at least 12 to develop this kind of story and characters properly. But it has Dragon Age stuff in it, so there's that if you're a fan.

The story is pretty cliche smash and grab, with an expected unexpected betrayal. The characters are quite shallow, mostly because there's no time to actually build them up.

I found the protagonist, Miriam, to be completely unlikeable and outright psychotic. From betraying her own goons in the opening episode to killing innocent guards in droves without a second thought or putting countless lives at risk for her selfish interests. Her saving an elven girl felt outright hypocritical when she was the one to put her in danger in the first place. Always grumpy and treating others around her poorly. If she's supposed to be a leader, I don't know why anyone would want to follow her.

Her love interest, Hira, is even worse. She's a manipulative psycho who wants to genocide an entire country and doesn't let anything stand in her way, even her "lover". Straight up the most evil character in the series.

The supposed villain, Rezaren, actually somehow ends up being more likeable than the main character. He forgives her for killing his mother (who seemed to be horrible, but she's still his mother) and saves her life, while she blames him for her brother's death, even though he was the last person responsible, she should blame his mother or even herself first. And overall seems like he has good intentions initially, even though he acts selfish and unwise at times. He does go straight up mad in the last episode or two, being obsessed with reclaiming Miriam and her brother as his playthings, but to be honest this did not feel like a natural development for the character based on things previously established. And even there, he's still didn't cause as much death and destruction as the "protagonists".

The rest of the hero crew is ok but very forgettable. There's a joyful Orleasian guy and a grumpy Dwarf guy, and also a Qunari chick who's supposed to be a comedy relief, but fails at that completely and acts like a weird teenager rather than a Qunari.

There are also forced romances of all kinds all over the place, straight, lesbian, gay, even a hint of some furry thing between Qunari and a dragon (?). Bioware is again at its best, proving itself yet again as a leading dating sim game developer. Cringe.

As for the good parts, animation looks really good, and I liked the fight scenes quite a lot, especially the ones involving magic. There are also some interesting bits of lore, but quite frankly, not much. This is what earns the series 4 points from me.
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