33 Postcards (2010)
When Strangers Become Family
14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
'When strangers become friends, and then family' was the motto of a church I attended and volunteered cooking and serving food to the less fortunate. It was true, for I made lifelong friends, especially with the senior citizens. They became like aunt's and uncles; one called me her son #2 (she had one real son); also younger lifelong buds.

So I can relate to this movie's basic premise. Even if the production values, acting, etc had been sub par, it would still be worth the life lesson. But it has fine production values, and the acting is first-rate.

Further personal reason this story hits home is that my dad was an orphan, although he was raised by loving relatives. But he would come home from school to an empty house and cook his meal (everyone had jobs). The first sequence with Mei Mei being dropped off at the orphanage already grabbed my throat. To be alone in the world, a child, there are few things more poignant.

However, at least Mei Mei was in a kindly environment. And then a miracle stepped into her life. The Christian definition of an angel is either a spiritual being sent by God or a human being who is also a messenger of God's love.

'Mr Randall' is Mei Mei's angel. He is incarcerated in Australia. Despite his hard luck and choices, there is something magnificent in his heart; he has more wealth than the majority of humankind, but he takes himself for granted. He can't define for himself exactly why he takes the trouble to send money and love to a little girl. He creates a fantasy life that he shares with Mei Mei: he is a game warden who loves nature and lives near a beach with his loving wife and kids. Each letter and postcard (natural wonders of Australia) is signed, 'Love.' Although he may not be consciously aware, his real reason in reaching out to a little girl is love.

I read a novel recently with a similar theme of a man from Jamaica living in England. He phones his only daughter (if I recall correctly, she lives in Australia!), creating imaginary friends and adventures. In reality, he is withdrawn and unneighborly. But when she announces after many years that she is coming to London, he attempts to make friends so he won't be spotlighted red-handed.

The two leads are believable, their performances ring very true. Mei Mei appears much younger and naive for sixteen. But, she is much older and mature than the adults who have not walked in her shoes.

'Mr Randall' is finally given his medal of honor, of a life well experienced, who chose kindness over despair. Mei Mei gives him the title of Father.

I salute the filmmakers who created this diamond. It is simple and fine art. Their family and friends should be proud. All great characters live in a parallel universe, where viewers and readers experience them as real persons. Mr Randall and May are in that other dimension with our other beloved characters.

Mei Mei changed her name to May. Mr Randall could have changed his to Mr Samaritan. The Samaritans were outcasts in Jesus' day, but he chose an outcast to be an exemplar of his second greatest commandment: to love our neighbor.
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