Black Adam (2022)
That was a JOYLESS Waste of Time
20 December 2022
I know I sound like a boomer for saying this, but the high age of entertainment for all things including comics, collectibles, video games, tv AND especially movies has passed us. It began to fizzle out by the 2010s, during which it was easier and easier to tell which movies would be flops versus those few films or franchises that would be very successful. Though, considering how many crummy films are put out by "hollywood" and its foreign counterparts, its no wonder why some things get so much more accolades. Were the MCU films really masterpieces? No...same with the DCU films, which wre even less successful ( ngl MCU films were good, some were even really good, but no gems anywhere in sight).

Flash forward to DC still hobbling along for another win despite thefact that it had to literally redo the Justice LEague film, stretching it out to almost 4 hours by some metrics. And it ended up being the BEST film of the modern DCU film verse...And though good, this version shouldnt have been needed.

Black Adam, on the other hand, should not have been made.

Its one thing for people to try and cheer on the underdog, but another when the literal villains that are on the Suicide Squad have been getting so much hype and adoration. I liked the films, but I still remembered they were comprised of villainous casts of rogues rom many galleries. Black Adam is the same thing, but now they are twisting things to make him an "anti hero" type like Riddick, basically giving this once terrible foe of Shazam and Superman the "Maleficent" treatment.

BAH I say.

The acting in this film was atrocious, especially from " THe Rock", whom played a character that should have remained within literal stone .

BUt noooo, just another reason to poorly veil violence in a seemingly middle eastern provence and city where the "heroes" can let loose.

I got some vibes from the new version of Hawkman too like I was watching The Black Panther, so that was..interesting. BUt the dialogue pacing, and overal script was bad. At most I give this a 5/10 because Dwayne "THe ROCK" Johnson is in it, and its ironic to me that its been virtually 20 something years since the last movie in the desert he came out in that began his career..."The Mummy 2". Which was then followed by The Scorpion King, his first FULL FEature film. And right on the tail end of Henry Cavill getting the boot as Superman AND The Witcher? Pfft...Game Over DC. Ya mesed up. GIVE THIS A SNYDER CUT FFS!
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