Its like bulletpoints
25 December 2022
Imagine a story, like say, The Hobbit, summarized into 20 bullet points. Thats how this show feels. It moves from point to point rapidly and tries to fit as much story as possible into a short time span. There is no depth. Its a hallow shell of a story that anyone could have written in a bathroom break.

To make matters worse, aside from the questionable story telling, this is obviously a low cost production. Everything looks very Halloweeny. Animated monsters are pretty bad. Im talking about 2000s style video game quality. Not something you would expect from modern work using fully rendered scenes.

I am not sure if video editing could have fixed the above problems but certainly the editing didn't help. As stated above it plays like bullet-points and the editing feels like it was done by someone who puts together newscasts rather than movies. I should know, I did that work years in the past.

So how forgettable was it? Well after the 4th episode, I have no idea what the two main characters names were... I just think of them as doggy man and warrior princess superbard. Wait I think the bard was Emily... Emilia? I literally just watched the last episode 10 minutes ago before writing this and I already forgot... And that probably best illustrates what you can expect if you watch this.

Save your time for something else. I have no idea why they released thing.
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