Amazing documentation of a historic accievement
28 December 2022
Thanks to the Norwegian national library this believed-to-be-lost film has been restored to an 87 minute long copy, thanks to a German nitrate copy found with German text plaques.

It's restored in 2K by Minerva Film in Copenhaven. The movie is believed to have been 20-30 minutes longer than it was at the Norwegian premiere in 1926. The film was re-relaased on DVD in 2012.

The film tells the story about the trip with the airship "Norge", from when the ship was baptised in Italy to the end, with the crew and their work on board.

The 2022 Norwegian animation film "Titina" tells the story in an amazing way with lots of original footage, ad is a pure gem to see. Go see that before to search up this original.
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