Midsomer Murders: The Blacktrees Prophecy (2022)
Season 23, Episode 1
31 December 2022
Have loved this show since we started watching it back in the day. But. But. It's not necessarily gone woke, but it has turned a character into a purely nasty old hag. And we are talking about fleur. What kind of name is that. She is nasty. She is mean. She likes to argue. She likes to fight. Say the wrong thing around her and the thought police are Busting your behind. DCI Barnaby has to put up with her. Has to let her throw her man hating remarks around to try to bait him into saying the slightest thing to give her reason to go file a complaint. And a lawsuit. Why do they even talk to her outside of work? She is poison.

Well done guys. You made this series even more realistic than before with this cackling cauldron stirring bat out of hell ready to pounce on any fool foolish enough to cross her.

And given there is no free speech in jolly old England these days not even DCI barnaby dares.

Well done guys.
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