Great fun adventure
1 January 2023
Despite being a huge Disney fan, 'Phineas and Ferb' was one of those shows before starting to watch where there was uncertainty as to whether it would be my cup of tea. Luckily, it turned out to be a major hit with me and my brother and sisters and very quickly we became addicted to it. Even if it is very formula-based, there are so many cool situations, quotes and songs and have always loved the characters and the theme song (which avoided it becoming repetition heavy).

Both episodes are very good, with the marginal preference being for "Fly on the Wall" for the marginally better and more creative Phineas and Ferb plot and that it is more consistent. Both episodes are very well done in all areas, despite the originality not being high. 'Phineas and Ferb's' episodes ranged from good to outstanding almost all of the time, and both segments here are in the high middle in ranking without being among the best or worst.

The animation is bright and colourful, with such vibrant colours that literally pop out at you and beautifully detailed backgrounds and some inventive and wonderfully exaggerated details, big and small. The music is in the style that is not usually my style of choice when listening to music, but it is very catchy and pleasant to listen to. The theme song is irresistible with a melody that sticks in the head for days without being an earworm and with very quotable lyrics. The voice acting is uniformly very strong.

Writing is of irreverently funny and smart quality as usual, with Doofenschmirtz never failing when it comes to the comedy. The character writing is without issue and same with the character interaction, especially between Perry (funny, resourceful and adorable as always) and Doofenschmirtz (wonderfully nuts). Charm and lively energy can be found in both storylines, with great atmosphere in "My Sweet Ride" and the setting offering plenty of excitement.

It is at its weakest with the not particularly interesting and somewhat predictable Candace subplot in "My Sweet Ride".

Very well done all in all. 8/10.
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