Review of Weird Woman

Weird Woman (1944)
Superstition vs. Reason and Fact
17 January 2023
This film begins with a college professor by the name of "Norman Reed" (Lon Chaney Jr.) going on vacation in the South Seas after having just written a book debunking magic and superstition. While on one of the islands, he happens to meet a young woman named "Paula" (Anne Gwynne) whose father had died several years earlier while working on the island as an anthropologist. That being said, since she had been adopted by one of the village shamans, she was steeped in the folklore and traditions and was raised to believe in magic. Be that as it may, Norman falls in love with her and, just before returning to the United States, they get married. Needless to say, when he eventually arrives back at the college, the news of his marriage--along with the success of his book--creates quite a stir with his colleagues. However, not everybody is ecstatic about his return--with his former girlfriend "Ilona Carr" (Evelyn Ankers) being especially jealous of his new wife. So, when she discovers that Paula is quite superstitious, she uses that to create all kinds of problems from that point on. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film started off quite well but, unfortunately, it went off the rails toward the end which left me somewhat disappointed. Even so, I still found the movie somewhat entertaining, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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