Review of I See You

I See You (II) (2019)
One of the best B movies out there, 8/8
22 January 2023
There are probably hundreds of B movies released each year, some starring big washed up names including Bruce Willis, John Travolta and Mel Gibson to name a few. Most of which are mediocre at best, but every now and then, a hidden gem of a B movie shines and actually delivers solid entertainment.

I see you is one such movie, it ticks off all the right ingredients for an excellent film.

This thriller involves a family who experience odd happenings at their house, some missing items and a wicked presence. All this while small boys are vanishing in town. A simple premise and you would think you know where it's heading, however there are twists and turns and the tension builds up that literally keeps you on edge as everything start slowly to unravel.

The first half an hour might seem slow and predictable but stick around and you'll be rewarded.

So what makes this a winner, well, the writing and the music are the highlights of this picture, the story is a mystery thriller that keeps you guessing and the music is eerie and dark.

The actors, lead by Helen Hunt are all above average which helps the film.

Probably my only beef with this movie is its title !

Highly recommended.
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