Review of Possessor

Possessor (2020)
Cronenberg makes quite an impression with "Possessor"
26 January 2023
I watched Possessor to see if I'm a fan of the style of Brandon Cronenberg, so I can decide whether to go see his upcoming Infinity Pool. Unfortunately, I still don't have an answer after finishing Possessor. I didn't love it, didn't hate it, and ended up in the middle. It recycles an ancient sci-fi plot of a person possessing another person's body to complete missions. This is Cronenberg's own take.

He undoubtedly has great talents. Possessor is filled with a brutal, cynical amount of gore. They are cruel but never ugly to look at. The film, in its crucial moments, is visually impressive. That is if the viewer has tolerance for violence and would appreciate the craft behind it.

I was anticipating a horror film when I started Possessor, but that anticipation gradually decreases when it reveals itself to be more of a thriller. Andrea Riseborough made great use of her moderate amount of screen time as our protagonist Tas, possessing Colin (Christopher Abbott, also great) to kill a powerful figure. It just mostly seems like an ordinary mission until the one-hour mark. We are overwhelmed with flashing imagery and violence. Before that, the film seemed to be searching for a purpose. I found myself not all that looking forward to whatever Cronenberg prepared for us.

It must be said that Cronenberg modified the plot just enough so it doesn't feel formulaic. My feelings are mixed, but not without admiration for the film itself. I might as well go see Infinity Pool now. Whatever I feel about that one, at least I know I'll be impressed.

Note: Watched Possessor Uncut, the recommended version.
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