Devotion (II) (2022)
A bit plodding, but overall good
31 January 2023
The movie takes a bit too long to get to the most important parts of the narrative, but when they finally get there, the film strikes a high mark.

The story of Ensign Jessie Brown is too little known, so it was very nice to see this portion of the Korean War given an airing. Unfortunately, the movie's slow opening likely harmed the overall attraction, and may have diminished the gate.

The best moments of the film are the interactions of the pilots in VF-32. They were a tight knit squadron during the war and well led, and that reality shows in the film.

For CG efforts the flying scenes were very well produced and that's important for any aviation themed movie. So, high marks to the producers for that fact. It should be noted that the film's director is J. D. Dillard, who is the son of a naval aviator, and there is little doubt he intended this film to be a honorific for his father's service, as well as to honor the memories of the pilots who served in Korea.

One of the more insightful and fun parts of the film is the details of the pilots' interactions during their shore leave in Cannes, France. That moment, based on truth, is truly wonderful in how it's presented.

Overall, a very enjoyable movie for all, and a must see for anyone who's part of aviation.
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