Review of Cunk on Earth

Cunk on Earth (2022)
Cunk On Earth (2022)
31 January 2023

Is it humanly (or other species) possible to be too smart? Both my wife and myself would be, and are, confused by the question. Please, continue.

"Cunk On Earth" is an example of what is known as "tongue-in-cheek" humor; exemplified by Philomena's dry, running monolog which, in our opinion, certainly approaches being sheer comedic genius.

Unfortunately, there aren't too many fart jokes so some viewers will, more than likely, change over to "South Park" or something equally silly; in order to find the level of comedy that suits them for something they can understand.

This is the funniest program (programme if you're Olde English) that the BBC has ever offered. It even surpasses "Monty Python's Flying Circus" which, unofficially, makes it the funniest program (or programme; wasn't this discussed earlier) in the history of human (or other species) -kind.
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