It should have been 10...but the music...
15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK first the good points.

It's sumptuous! From the architecture, to the costumes, to the dialogues, to the performances... everything shouts or should I say sings 19C Italy.

I love the Italian, which I get better at catching as the programme progresses. The actors are very well cast.

Everything one would expect and hope to enjoy in a period piece set in 19C Italy is there.

So why did I only give it 6 out of 10?

Spoiler alert!

Because at 26mins into the first, the very first episode...

They introduced... Rock Music!!! Modern 21C Rock Music...

I mean, I ask you. Who in their right minds would spoil a wonderful, beautiful period piece set in the 19C, by introducing 21C Rock Music?!!! I was shocked!

I'm having to consider very seriously whether to carry on with it. I can normally overlook visual gaffs, but such a fundamental anomaly in the audio is just so out of place...

Such a shame, it really is... We shall see...
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