About Time (I) (2013)
An endearing story about life that later became a thorn in my side.
16 February 2023
Ahh this movie. A movie that is, in a way, well written and directed to a point. A film that captivates you in the first 20 mins and then starts to become a drag. I will also say that even though this film has some very strong romantic trope parts, it is not a romantic movie per se. The film is essentially about time (get it) and about taking things for granted in one's life.

What are my problems with the movie then you ask? Well, the first, is I find the lead actors character to be utterly insufferable for most of the movie. Almost seen as a socially inept mess with the most forced cringey scenes I could ever cook up. He wasn't relatable in the slightest for me and I found the way he went about life to be unrealistic. He felt like human MacGuffin just to have the movie kept alive.

Which brings me to the next point of what I didn't like about the movie, the length. The movie is a tad shy over 2 hours which isn't the worst. But the problem is is that they try to tie in at least half a decade of life development into these 2 hours. So it felt contrived and it felt insincere. Too many people came in and out of his life that didn't need as much screen time as they did. They could of told the overarching philosophy of this film in a more concise short film or they could of turned this into a miniseries that no one would of watched.

I recommended the short film idea cause this movie is a character piece. It is a movie that is trying to be self aware but it doesn't do it as well as I would of liked. A great build up into a rushed ending like a show that was on its 10th season that needed to end.

Everything else was fairly normal for a film. I would maybe recommend this film to someone who does like slice of life films or likes hopeless romantic tropes. But for me it was hard to swallow past the 50 minute mark.
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