The Ark: Get Out and Push (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Loving the Progress and Improvement Writing
16 February 2023
I have to say that I that I was looking forward to the New Episode of The Ark and just completed watching the episdode 3. The way that the Writing, Acting and Directing is improving is something that I am glad to see and figured would happen as Season One Progressed.

The way the plot unfolded was in a good, fluid fashion and one without the jank that I felt was in the first couple episode. The way cirucumstance came about. The reaction of the crew and Officers was very much in keeping with how a Deep Space vehicle would handle a crisis.

Also the emotions displayed were without any over-acting, dialogues were delivered with authenticity and I was VERY Satisfied with how "The Ark" is progressing.

I have been personally watching Sci-Fi T. V. since 1966 Star Trek's "The Cage"initial episode and therefore I have a WELL Developed sense for good Sci-Fi and I look forward to where "The Ark" is going!
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