The Ark: Get Out and Push (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Dumbest 'Science' Fiction program in history
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the very first episode, it was obvious that no actual science was consulted in the making of this program. However, because I have enjoyed several of Dean Devlin's shows in the past (The Outpost was a guilty pleasure for my wife and I), I decided to give it 3 episodes. After watching 'Get out and push' I am done with this dreck. Its issues are too many to list and most have been covered in previous reviews, but this was an afront to science and physicists everywhere. Just having the ship come to a complete stop in space because the engines shut off is a hilarious disregard of actual physics. Isaac Newton must have rolled several times in his grave. Then blowing the air out of one small room to change the course a gigantic ship...all while spouting how they had checked the physics, was just as ridiculous. And don't get me started on the part where they match speed with a comet and somehow 'fill all the tanks' on the ship with water from a 12 inch hose in almost no time...from a FROZEN surface. I know most people probably don't care about how accurate the science is but I was spoiled by 'The Expanse' where they actually did the science and physics correctly...and SYFY cancelled it.

I might be able to overlook the poor special effects and disregard for actual science, but the characters are horrible and the acting is worse. After the 2nd episode, I looked at my wife and said, 'I kind of hope they all die...they really deserve it'. The icing on the cake was the video of the 98 pound 'leader' with skinny arms, killing a biker dude in a bar, although she did help break up a melee the week before... I am done and refuse to be insulted in this way.
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