Low Budget Melodrama with Fantastic Chemistry
21 February 2023
My Secret Romance was on my watchlist for a very long time, however I continued to put it off because of the mixed things I had read about the show. So let me be very clear on what is good and what is bad about this drama.

The bad: low budget for sure, the overall quality was pretty weak in this drama. It also was melodramatic for many parts, and the ending was overly drawn out, with the second half filled with so many flashbacks I started to fast forward through them.

The good: the chemistry between the leads was blazingly hot! I rarely see two actors that have such natural chemistry in kdramas, and these two were so starry-eyed for each other it was extremely intense and fun to watch! The plot was simple, straightforward, and not too insane with no overly dramatic twists. And the side-characters were fun and enjoyable to watch (with the exception of the SFL who was obnoxious and annoying). Seung Hoo was a super stud in this show, which was an obvious plus!

Overall, subjectively I loved this show and would give it a 9 based just on how much I loved watching the leads together. But objectively I have to give it a 6 because of its weak points. But if you are a fan of rom-coms definitely watch this show, it is extremely enjoyable and very funny at times!
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