A Hospital Where Patients Go to Die
21 February 2023
This film begins with an unconscious woman named "Lucina Martin" (Carla Borelli) being transferred by ambulance from her normal hospital to one that specializes in treating those who have suffered from nervous breakdowns. At least, that is what she is told when she finally regains consciousness. Even so, she is quite perplexed to be there and--since she feels quite fine--immediately demands to be released. To her consternation, however, she is quickly subdued and sedated. Upon awakening, she eventually gets to meet the physician in charge of the hospital, "Dr. Jason Specter" (Charles Kissinger) who rather sternly tells her that she is to remain hospitalized until her condition improves. Meanwhile, Lucina's fiancé, "Chris Duncan" (Nick Jolley) has become increasingly concerned about her transfer to another hospital and upon some quick research learns several things about Dr. Specter that only serves to fuel his suspicions that something is dreadfully wrong. What he doesn't realize, however, is that Lucina has been abducted by a group of Satanists and that she is about to be sacrificed to the Devil himself. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film had an interesting plot, but it was greatly limited by the cheap sets and some rather bad acting--especially on the part of Louis Bandy (as "Lt. Tom Walsh"). Likewise, the costume used to personify Satan was extremely ridiculous as well. That being said, while I realize that this was an extremely low-budget production which, in and of itself, might merit some consideration in that regard, I still have difficulty rating it any higher than I have. Below average.
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