Game of Thrones: Mockingbird (2014)
Season 4, Episode 7
Im amazed how this show gets better and better
2 March 2023
Fewer characters for longer also creates for smoother transitions between scenes; for example, Dany's hook-up with Daario 2.0 is matched amusingly with Selyse Barratheon having an in-depth conversation with the naked Melisandre about the merits of seduction and tricking men with potions to force them to see the Red God before giving them the actual power to see the Red God at work in the flames. Even when it's a story element that isn't quite as attention-getting (Jon's political struggle at the Wall), it's more tolerable because you won't see it every week, just every couple of weeks; the Jon segments also stay long enough to gather a little steam, rather than just being a pop-up appearance. It helps, and as usual Game Of Thrones wastes no time in reminding us of the characters we'll be running into with the opening "previously on" montage. Director Alik Sakharov once again turns in a top-notch episode, as expected. The reintroduction of The Mountain is handled brilliantly, as the massive Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson just shows up with a giant sword, guts a guy (with impressive entrails spillage), kills a few other prisoners, and has a brief conversation with Cersei Lannister while being shot from below to emphasize just how gigantic he is. That visual flair continues on with Tyrion Lannister's time spent in prison. The imp gets shot in dark gray, or framed by light through the bars of his cell, and is deliberately shot to emphasize just how alone the character is. Pulling together great writing, brilliant acting, and brilliant cinematography is the wonderfully disturbing series of confrontations in the Eyrie. What starts out as surprisingly beautiful and touching-Sansa getting to enjoy a lovely snowy trip to the garden-very slowly goes out of control. She bonds with her creepy cousin/fiance Robin (Lino Facioli makes a good spoiled kid, even if he's not Joffrey) over a snow castle version of Winterfell, only for him to completely flip out and stomp the castle before getting slapped and storming off in a huff. Some emotional torment, a ruthless fight scene with Arya and the Hound dispatching Biter and Rorge, the craziness of Littlefinger, and a new champion for the Lion of Lannister and the Queen Regent... even without adding in the fun of Brienne, Pod, and the returning Hot Pie and it would have been a great episode. It just goes without saying that everything's better with Hot Pie. It's always fun to have old friends return.
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