Good but not quite there
8 March 2023
With a few changes this could have been a brilliant 2nd episode. I'll talk about what I liked first, all of the stuff with Mando teaching grogu about the workings of the ship and different things about being a Mandalorian was adorable and the highlight of the episode for me. The director Rachel Morrison is mainly a cinematographer most notably known for black panther, and it shows. The episode mostly takes place in this underground ruin area and it all looks wonderful. However... much like the previous episode it suffers from some mediocre writing and action scenes. But I believe the biggest issue was bo-katan, now I love the character, but the Mandalorian gets a couple things off about her. Firstly, she would be way older, we're talking late 50's at the earliest, and while she is an awesome Mandalorian I doubt she would be able to block too many electric spear thrusts or roll under too many giant mechanical behemoths. Secondly, there is one part where she is implied to want to kill Mando, but then when she sees it's grogu she risks her life to save him, twice! Nice writing guys! Lastly, why does she not believe in any of that weird mysticism surrounding mandalore, when she met obi-wan, Ahsoka, and maul multiple times! She would be one of the first people to believe in it!

I hope I don't sound too negative in this review, there were plenty of things I really enjoyed, I just think that with some better writing and fight choreography, as well as some reworked character consistencies, it could of been something really special.

7.5/10 definitely an improvement over last episode.
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