Worst competition show ever.
16 March 2023
Nauseating. Combined episodes 1 and 2, with a run time of 70:24 had about 20 minutes of actual competition. The rest was Twitter-level narcissistic regurgitation, dramatic "DUNDUNDUN!"s, and the host repeating himself over and over and over... "Is that your final decision?" cut-away "Like, oh.. Mah god! I can't believe it!" back to host "Is that your final decision?" cut-away "I can't believe they picked her, like ermagerd!!!" back to host "Are you positive?"

Watching this show is agonizing. The competitors are almost all kind-of revolting people. The dramatic music and sound effects are really pathetic. If you enjoy listening to idiots debate who they are going to choose for whatever needlessly convoluted BS is about to eventually happen, for 10 times longer than the actual time allotted to that BS, then this show is for you.

Garbage TV.
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