The Cobbler (2014)
A 6 at the start, but it picks up fast. Had a good chuckle.
16 March 2023
The Cobbler is not your standard Adam Sandler film or maybe it is considering his latest movies.

At the start, really the first 30 to 40 minutes, it is quite boring and I almost stopped watching.

The low rating didn't seem fair to me, it was at least a solid 6 and not a 5.8 I mean the camera work is solid, the story is solid and the mood or "vibe" fits the story.

The first part is more touching and tear jerking than anything and if this was purely a drama film I would have stopped, hence keep watching there is a pretty decent pay off.

I don't know if this is a kids movie seeing how some parts are quite graphic, but it isn't anything they wouldn't have seen in a standard Action movie so parents need to make that assessment for their children, but other than that it is a funny story.

Maybe the low rating is because some of the characters may have upset certain Activists?

Oh well, it was fun imo and if you haven't watched it go watch it, you will enjoy it.
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